(905) 758-7729
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furnace maintenance

Maintenance & Service

From stoves and ovens to water heaters and dryers, natural gas appliances play an essential role in daily life.

However, with time and use, these appliances can experience wear and tear, malfunction, and breakdown. 

At Hodgins Heating, we always aim to repair before replacing expensive appliances.

Furnace Maintenance

Regular furnace maintenance prevents costly breakdowns, extends lifespan, reduces energy bills, and enhances home comfort. Our service includes inspection, cleaning, part replacement, and safety check to ensure optimal performance. Contact us now to schedule maintenance and keep your heating system running smoothly all year.

Boiler Maintenance

Maintaining your boiler is vital for your comfort and safety. Our experts offer complete boiler maintenance services, including inspections, cleaning, and testing. Our service helps prevent problems, lower energy bills, and avoid breakdowns.

Water Heater Maintenance

We offer water heater maintenance to ensure efficiency and prevent breakdowns. Our trained technicians perform regular maintenance checks to extend your system's lifespan. Services include leak detection, element and tank cleaning, and part inspections. Schedule an appointment to save money on your energy bills.

Pool Heater Maintenance

We specialize in maintaining and repairing various brands and models of pool heaters to ensure a smooth performance. Regular maintenance saves you money by prolonging the life of your pool heater and preventing sudden breakdowns. Our services include cleaning filters and burners, checking for leaks, and assessing the overall condition of your pool heater. Contact us for hassle-free maintenance appointments and enjoy a worry-free summer.

Fireplace Maintenance

Keep your gas fireplace running smoothly and safely with our professional fireplace maintenance services. Our experienced technicians will inspect and clean all components, while checking the venting system for proper function. Schedule an annual maintenance visit to prevent gas leaks, inefficient heating, and other safety hazards. Contact us today to ensure your gas fireplace provides warmth and comfort during colder months.

Tankless Water Heater Maintenance

We offer tankless water heater maintenance services for efficient and cost-effective water heating. Our professional technicians provide annual checkups to ensure the system is functioning correctly and can replace worn or damaged parts. With our services, you can extend the life of your system, improve performance, and save on potential repair or replacement costs. Contact us to schedule your maintenance appointment today.

Humidifier Maintenance

We take care of your humidifier to make sure it works well. Our trained staff inspect, clean, and fix it as needed. This includes changing filters, checking water levels, and testing water quality. We clean tanks and look over electrical parts. We can suggest good models and ways to set it up. By having regular checkups, you avoid expensive repairs and stay healthy and comfy. Call us to set a date for a checkup.

Gas Unit Heater Maintenance

Regular maintenance for gas unit heaters in industrial spaces is crucial. Check for damage, leaks, and debris and replace or clean air filters. Inspect and repair gas lines, burners, and heat exchangers. Clean and adjust the pilot light and flame sensors. Have a qualified technician conduct maintenance checks, including a combustion analysis. This increases the heater's lifespan, prevents breakdowns, and ensures top performance.

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